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How to Master Your Accounting & Taxes

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End The Confusion On Your Accounting & Taxes...

.... Get your accounting and taxes organized with or without using Quickbooks!

Accounting & Taxes


I'm sure by now you've been so surprised and frustrated by how challenging it can be to learn what you need to know, track your accounting and save on taxes for your business?


Accounting and taxes are often overwhelming and frustrating for small business owners because accounting and tax solutions aren't made specifically for small business owners or new entrepreneurs just getting started. 


Knowing your business numbers and saving taxes is essential for the longevity and growth of your business. I've seen many business owners in trouble with their taxes because they can't get the recordkeeping right and they don't know their numbers.


This doesn't need to be YOU!

Any Of The Following Sound Familiar?

  • You've been trying to figure it all out on your own... Endless online searches haven't simplified things. Even when you do find an answer, it prompts more questions... How are you supposed to know all of this?!
  • You're frustrated... Trying to piecemeal together business and accounting and taxes is an epic task... I know it's frustrating for bookkeepers - let alone business owners with no accounting or tax background!
  • Trying to use Quickbooks yourself... Quickbooks is designed for 'bookkeepers' who specialize in the software... It's not an open-the-box and let's do it! No wonder you feel confused, expensive, and not very flexible if you're trying to do it yourself...
  • Tried or trying to hire a bookkeeper... So many people have a terrible experience because how can you hire someone to do something that you don't understand!... (Plus, you probably don't know what to expect to monitor what you get or know if it's correct!)
  • Questions continue to come up, and you can't find a straight answer! When you do find an answer, it always leads to more questions... No one has a straight, consistent answer, let alone a simple explanation!
  • Tired of trying to figure it out on your own... Do you wish there was a simple, step-by-step solution that included a way to get your questions answered? Or someone who can provide you with the answer?

This is NOT the way it should be for you and your business!

You Deserve A Better Solution!

I CREATED a solution for YOU! 

After working for large corporations, getting a bachelor's degree in Accounting and a master's degree in Tax, working as a 'tax expert', and teaching college accounting courses ---I looked at the small business owners and entrepreneurs and realized that there was one thing missing that the large corporations, had an accounting & tax department. I decided I was committed to providing driven business owners like you a solution. My goal is to provide the skills needed to organize your accounting and tax documents to work with a professional that will save you time and MONEY!

Being able to get your accounting & taxes in order will help you to take advantage of tax strategies and SAVE thousands or dollars,


However, I couldn't FIND you a solution, so I CREATED a solution for you!

I can't wait to see you in class!

Happy Learning!

Sold out, please go back and pick another option.

If you've read through this sales page, and you relate to the struggles I've explained, then this course is probably for you. Once you sign up you will receive a link for a live training on Thursday, October 13th, 2022 at 7 PM CST

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How to Master Your Accounting & Taxes

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